
  • Blue Zircon

    This is a highly trendy and colorful gemstone, often confused with Cubic Zirconia. Cubic Zirconia is a synthetic imitation, often mimicking diamonds, while Zircon is indeed a natural gemstone and... is the oldest gemstone on Earth with an age of 4.4 billion years.

    In the Middle Ages, it was believed that this stone promoted sleep, dispelled evil spirits, and brought a life of wealth and wisdom.

    Zircon occurs in a diverse range of colors, including yellow, green, red, brown, and blue. The orange-colored Zircon with the so-called Fanta color is highly coveted. Celine Roelens also frequently incorporates vivid blue zircons into her collections.

    * Locations: Australia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Brazil
    * Birthstone of December

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